What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a language-based neurological condition that affects roughly 15-20% of our total population. While the symptoms and severity present differently from person to person, most individuals with Dyslexia have difficulties reading, spelling, writing, pronouncing words, and mastering other language-based skills. The effects of Dyslexia can also extend past the classroom environment, causing low self-esteem, lack of confidence, and stress. 


Individuals with Dyslexia may have trouble with:

  • Reading smoothly
  • Writing
  • Spelling
  • Rhyming
  • Solving word problems in math
  • Understanding what they read
  • Decoding (sounding out) written words
  • Recognizing common words


It is important to understand that Dyslexia is not due to lack of intelligence or desire to learn. Children with Dyslexia are just as smart as their peers, and oftentimes thrive in other areas such as art and creativity, environmental awareness, visualization, interpersonal skills, and ability to think outside the box.


How is Dyslexia treated?

The Summit Dyslexia Clinic uses a structured and progressive research-based treatment program called Connections OG in 3D. We use an integration of multiple sensory systems (touching, seeing, hearing) allowing for a whole body learning experience that capitalizes on the visual strengths of people with Dyslexia. For example, phonemic objects (i.e. a pig represents the 'p' letter sound) are often incorporated into the treatment to allow students to "feel" the sounds and create a 3D connection to the sound. This technique increases the likelihood that the student's brain will be able to recall the sound. 

With the appropriate intervention and learning methods, anyone with Dyslexia can succeed. A diagnosis of Dyslexia does not need to be a barrier to reaching your fullest potential.


Frequently Asked Questions about Dyslexia

What should I do if I suspect my child has Dyslexia? 

Have a conversation with your child's primary care physician and school teacher about your concerns. If Dyslexia is suspected, your primary care physician may refer you to the Summit Dyslexia Clinic.

Do I need a referral from my child's primary care physician? 

Yes. Please speak with your child's primary care physician to receive a referral.

Does insurance cover Dyslexia treatment?

This depends on your insurance plan. If you are interested in seeking treatment, please call Summit Therapy (509) 332-5106 to review your insurance coverage prior to your appointment.


Contact the Summit Dyslexia Clinic

Please call (509) 332-5106 to schedule your appointment.